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blog:bpaddock:give_pain_a_voice [2016/10/01 01:13] – [Give Pain A Voice] bpaddockblog:bpaddock:give_pain_a_voice [2016/10/01 01:23] (current) – [Give Pain A Voice] bpaddock
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 "A few days ago, Bob Paddock made the long trek from Pennsylvania to Toronto to be interviewed for our new Doc on Chronic Pain. Hearing first hand about Karen's long and hard fight for appropriate diagnoses and medical care, of a horrificly painful CSF leak- makes me all the more "on fire" to right the wrongs done to us as pain patients and GET OUR STORIES OUT THERE. Thats why I #GivePainAVoice." - Movie Producer [[|Tina Petrova]]. "A few days ago, Bob Paddock made the long trek from Pennsylvania to Toronto to be interviewed for our new Doc on Chronic Pain. Hearing first hand about Karen's long and hard fight for appropriate diagnoses and medical care, of a horrificly painful CSF leak- makes me all the more "on fire" to right the wrongs done to us as pain patients and GET OUR STORIES OUT THERE. Thats why I #GivePainAVoice." - Movie Producer [[|Tina Petrova]].
 {{tag>CSF Leaks Chronic Pain Pandemic of Denial}} {{tag>CSF Leaks Chronic Pain Pandemic of Denial}}
  • blog/bpaddock/give_pain_a_voice.1475284385.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/10/01 01:13
  • by bpaddock