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I was fortunate enough to spend a bit over a week with him in May, July and August of 2016, shortly after his major back surgery in July (which in itself is a testament to Joe's amazing abilities) . Hearing a few of his fascinating stories from his life time as a Remote Viewer and Spy for the US Army, as well has being trained in the techniques of Remote Viewing was amazing. Joe autographed our training certificates. Just listening to the stories from his life would have made the time worth it. I also got to spend a bit of time with Joe's wife Scooter, who had fascinating stories of her own, alas we were interrupted before getting into them. ---- The photos are not being rendered correctly by Internet Explorer. Download [[|Chrome here]] or [[|FireFox here]]. ---- {{:rv:img_2860.jpg?400|}} {{:rv:rv_cert_low_rez.jpg?1410|}} Here are his many books by him and those about him. As well as some on the 30+ years of science that has gone into how this all works by Ed May. A eight volume set on the science is due out soon. ^-------------------------^-------------------------^ |{{:rv:rv_books.jpg?200|}}|{{:rv:img_2855.jpg?400|}}| ^-------------------------^-------------------------^ ---- Click on the images to expand them, then click on them a second time to make it larger yet. ---- ====== Remote Viewing while Lucid Dreaming ====== Joe has one single thing to say about doing Remote Viewing while [[|Lucid Dreaming]]: **//Don't do it//**. He said the Remote Viewing worked fine while in a Lucid Dreaming. The problem was false awakenings. That is he thought he woke up from the dream only to realize after a time that he was still dreaming. This went on for uncountable levels of false awakenings. When he finally reached what we consider our objective 'Reality' when he really woke up, it took him three days to recover. ---- ====== Remote Viewing for Health Issues ====== I asked Joe if Remote Viewing could be used for health issues. He said "Sure. However I quickly stopped doing it for people as they did not want to hear that their health problems where caused by their own emotions." Which sounds like "The Emotion Code, by renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of "trapped emotions"; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body." My Gestalt was arrow to right side of head of a person that I was give to Remote View. She had asked for help form the [[|Monroe Institute® (TMI)]] [[|Dolphin Energy Club (DEC)]] : ---- ====== An Example by Joe ====== The pencil drawing by Joe is what he Remote Viewed along with the rest of us. The object shown to us at the completion of the exercise was the Cow Bell. ^----------------------------------------^--------------------------^ |{{:rv:img_2846_rotated_shrunk.jpg?200|}}|{{:rv:img_2847.jpg?200|}}| ^----------------------------------------^--------------------------^ ---- ====== My Experiences during Remote Viewer training ====== All targets are double blind. I drew them before they were given to us, by a person whom did not know the contents of the sealed envelopes. What I saw in my minds eye: {{:rv:byte_arm_drawing_arm.jpg?200|}} {{:rv:stairs2.gif?200|}} What I drew. I need to take an art class. {{:rv:rv_escalator_gestalt.jpg?200|}} What the target really was: {{:rv:rv_escalator.jpg?400|}} ---- ^ ^ ^ |{{:rv:rv_double_line_road_gestalt.jpg?300|}}|{{:rv:rv_double_line_road.jpg?1500|}}| ---- ^ ^ ^ |{{:rv:rv_facod_gestalt.jpg?200|}}|{{:rv:rv_baloon_facod.jpg?200|}}| ---- My Gestalt was the paw which is not actually in the image. {{:rv:rv_pyramid.jpg?200|}} ---- For the cement brush I just got something 'hard and grey'. I thought it was miss Joe said it was not a miss. For the other two I got nothing of use. ^ ^ ^ ^ |{{:rv:rv_cement_brush.jpg?200|}} |{{:rv:rv_pear_books.jpg?200|}}|{{:rv:rv_stoles.jpg?200|}}| There were MANY other targets not shown here. I got nothing. Joe says that even after 30+ years doing this, he gets nothing 10% of the time. He says when that happens you move on and don't give it an other thought, because no one today has //any// idea how this stuff actually works. That I got //anything//, such as what I show here is amazing enough to me and I hope it is to you as well? ---- ===== Learning to Draw Right ===== {{:rv:drawingontherightsideofthebrain.jpg?200| }} This book is recommended, which I'm working my way through now. [[|Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive, 4th Edition]]– by Betty Edwards. Make sure you get the 4th edition or later. ---- ====== CIA Archive ====== "Regarding psi warfare, america had the Stargate program and Russia Yuri." Russia also had a Remote Viewing program, and I have reason to believe they still do. Volume Two of the, now four (was originally to be an eight) volume set, 'Star Gate Archives' just started shipping. When I asked Ed May if he had figured out how Remote Viewing worked, he pointed me to this document (you want the PDF): CIA released 13 million pages of documents. From UFO sightings to Project Start Gate. Star Gate here: Most of the Remote Viewing documents are under "Stargate" (The proper project name is 'Star[space]Gate'), doing a search for project code names such as "Centerlane" and "Grillflame" also return hits. PDF overview of Star Gate: [[|]] [[| SUN STREAK OPERATIONAL MANUAL, DECEMBER 1985]] - Remote Viewing Training Manual [[|SUMMARY OF KNOWN REMOTE-VIEWING EXPERIMENTS]] [[|COORDINATE REMOTE VIEWING (THEORY AND DYNAMICS)]] [[|A SUGGESTED REMOTE VIEWING TRAINING PROCEDURE]] [[|REMOTE VIEWING SESSION, TRAINING]] UFO Files as well: What [[|The Internet Archive]] has on the [[|Star Gate Project]]. To be indexed: ====== Mars 1,000,000 BC ====== Remote Viewing of Mars by Joe McMoneagle with RV Target "Mars 1,000,000 BC": MARS EXPLORATION, MAY 22, 1984 Document Type: CREST Collection: STARGATE ---- ====== Joe McMoneagle Videos ====== {{ youtube>ZBbWCUoSPBg }} I like what Joe, says at time-mark 1:15: "I'm absolutely positive that space and time is an illusion." Now how do we use that? ---- Joe McMoneagle (Remote Viewer 001) Lecture at FORTFEST 2015: {{ youtube>rLvOXZI_qvU }} ---- Joe McMoneagle The Stargate Chronicles (02-16-2006): {{ youtube>egk7V8XKRWQ }} {{youtube>F-8puX-83o4}} <blockquote> Archeological Remote Viewing in Japan with Joseph McMoneagle. Joseph McMoneagle is a world-renowned remote viewer who has worked professionally in the field for almost four decades – both within the military and as a private contractor. He is author of Mind Trek, The Ultimate Time Machine, The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy, and Remote Viewing Secrets. He is also coauthor of ESP Wars: East and West. He is the recipient of a congressional Legion of Merit Award for his remote viewing work within the U.S. government military intelligence services. Here he describes a six-year remote viewing project to identify the historicity of a mythical, shaman empress of ancient Japan named Himiko. She was the subject of much lore; and was mentioned briefly in one, ancient Chinese document. He discusses how his remote viewings, conducted from his home in Virginia, were instrumental in locating the ruins of an ancient mountain top castle, two temples, and a royal tomb – all previously undiscovered. These discoveries were the subject of a best-selling book on the subject, published in Japanese. </blockquote> ====== Psychic Spy & Handler with Joseph McMoneagle & Ed May ====== The [[|Rhine Research Center]] hosted Joe and Ed, while I was present. See the [[|Rhine Video Library]], as there is no direct link. <blockquote>The Psychic Spy and Handler - McMoneagle-May- September 29, 2018 Joe McMoneagle was Viewer #1 in the US Intelligence Services psychic spying program, and Ed May was the director of this program. Together, they have personal recollections and stories that you won't hear anywhere else. This program is a unique opportunity to learn about the history and background of Project Star Gate and find out some of the "secret" activities that caused the US Government to explore psychic abilities.</blockquote> ---- ====== Third Eye Spies Documentary ====== Sadly not free. Easiest place to watch is on [[|Vimeo]]. For info at the official [[|Third Eye Spies]] site. Genres: Documentary. Duration: 1 hour 55 minutes. <blockquote>For more than 20 years the CIA used psychic abilities in a top-secret program. You paid for it; you deserve to know about it. A psychic spy program developed during the Cold War escalated after a Stanford Research Institute experiment publicized classified intel. As a result, the highly successful work of physicist Russell Targ was co-opted by the CIA and hidden for decades due to the demands of ‘national security.’ But when America’s greatest psychic spy dies mysteriously, Targ fights to get their work declassified; even if it means going directly to his former enemies in the Soviet Union to prove the reality of ESP to the world at large. Revealed for the first time, this is the newly declassified true story of America’s psychic spies. The implications of their success show us all what we are truly capable of – now there can be no more secrets. </blockquote> <blockquote>The true story of physicist Russell Targ, his cold war psychic spies and his fight to bring this information public, with evidence presented by a Nobel Laureate, an Apollo Astronaut, and many formerly undercover military “remote viewers” and scientists that worked extensively for the U.S. Intelligence community, now able to speak for the first time in our film.</blockquote> <blockquote>Third Eye Spies is a new documentary feature film by award winning director Lance Mungia. The film consists of compellingly cinematic re-enactments of actual remote viewings done at Stanford Research Institute for intelligence agencies, amazing new data retrieved from recently declassified documents via Freedom of Information Act and over 30 interviews with every top player involved and how those discoveries are being used today.</blockquote> Official Movie Trailer: {{ youtube>13ZfgLVwZlg }} Third Eye Spies: To Russia With Love: {{ youtube>rd9uqv2K1yI }} ---- ====== Star Gate Archive books ====== {{:rv:stargatevol1_78-1-4766-6752-2.jpg?200|}} {{:rv:stargatevol2_978-1-4766-6753-9.jpg?200|}} {{:rv:stargatevol3_978-1-4766-6754-6.jpg?200|}} {{:rv:stargatevol4_978-1-4766-6755-3.jpg?200|}} ---- ====== The Men Who Stare At Goats ====== The some what factitious movie //[[|The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)]]// is based on events and people from the above. In the movie Bill = Joe, Lyn = Lyn. {{:rv:thementhatstareatgoats.jpg?400|}} ---- {{youtube>3nME2vGV5aI}} <blockquote> Sraddhalu introduces the remote viewing capabilities of Ingo Swan, and this is followed by an interview with the famous psychic about his work on the nature of the universe. Ingo Swann's 2001 Interview with Art Bell serves as an addendum to Sraddhalu Ranade's “Synthesis of Yoga” May 17, 2019 offering, where Sraddhalu discusses Sri Aurobindo's writings on the planes and the worlds of the Vital. Ingo Swann (1933 - 2013) was a remote viewing master, a psychic, an artist, and the author of many books. He is known as the co-creator of remote viewing and worked for the CIA from 1972 - 1992. This is one of his rare interviews in which he discusses the development of remote viewing in the U.S., extraterrestrials and much more The audio recording comes by way of the John Bauer youtube channel and Living Light Productions has included background enhancement photos of Ingo Swann, his books and his paintings to go along with the audio. </blockquote> rv/rv.txt Last modified: 2021/03/05 02:24by Log In