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emf [2019/06/01 00:57] – Added A compendium of radiation effects topics for space industrial and terrestrial applications bpaddockemf [2023/01/18 00:28] (current) – Added MuRata In-Cabin Radar for Child Protection bpaddock
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 {{:emf:77ghzzapping.jpg?400|}} What happens when a complex modulation of 5G at 28.375 GHz, 77 GHz from vehicle RADAR, and 5.9 GHz from Vehicle Infrastructure mix biologically?  I doubt anyone knows.  Is anyone other than me even asking that question? {{:emf:77ghzzapping.jpg?400|}} What happens when a complex modulation of 5G at 28.375 GHz, 77 GHz from vehicle RADAR, and 5.9 GHz from Vehicle Infrastructure mix biologically?  I doubt anyone knows.  Is anyone other than me even asking that question?
 +<WRAP important>Due to may Day Job as an Embedded System Designer I get to see a lot of technical information that most people don't.
 +While I use components from the manufactures listed below in the performance of my job, the mention of any specific company doesn't not imply an endorsement by that company of any information found on this page.  I also have no known financial interests in any of the companies that I mention here.
 ====== Electromagnetic Pollution ====== ====== Electromagnetic Pollution ======
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   * [[http://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/SPRY328|Leveraging the 60-GHz RF band to enable accurate mmWave sensing.   * [[http://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/SPRY328|Leveraging the 60-GHz RF band to enable accurate mmWave sensing.
 Read the white paper to learn more about leveraging the 60-GHz RF band to enable accurate mmWave sensing.]] Read the white paper to learn more about leveraging the 60-GHz RF band to enable accurate mmWave sensing.]]
-  * [[https://www.ti.com/solution/vehicle_occupant_detection_sensor|Vehicle occupant detection sensor. {Or how to radiate your child as you drive.}]]+  * [[https://www.ti.com/solution/vehicle_occupant_detection_sensor|Vehicle occupant detection sensor. {How to you ethical test this for health safety?}]]
 mmWave AWR - applications Automotive mmWave sensors applications: mmWave AWR - applications Automotive mmWave sensors applications:
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 [[https://training.ti.com/search-catalog?keywords=people+couting+mmwave|{{:emf:77ghzpeoplecounter.jpeg?400}}]] [[https://training.ti.com/search-catalog?keywords=people+couting+mmwave|{{:emf:77ghzpeoplecounter.jpeg?400}}]]
 {{:emf:mmwaveshopping.jpg?400|}} {{:emf:mmwaveshopping.jpg?400|}}
 +The electronic company MuRata released information today [Jan/17/2023] on "In-Cabin Radar for Child Protection".
 +The goal is to detect that infants and young sleeping children do not accidentally get left in a hot or cold vehicle, where they are likely to rapidly expire.  No one is going to argue that detecting this condition is not a good thing.
 +The methodology of detection is what is open for debate.
 +Today's press release goes into details of how future vehicles will expose those inside the vehicles (You and yours) to 60 GHz microwaves (for reference Microwaves that cook your food, at a significantly higher power, are around 2.6 GHz.  Bluetooth is also in that area).
 +The ASSUMPTION is that this 60 GHz signal will cause no short or long term health issues.
 +Detection of children left in vehicles is being mandated or is about to be, by various politicians in Europe and the US.  MuRata's eBook points you to where to find more information.
 +What happens when a complex modulation of 5G at 28.375 GHz, 60 GHz from In-Cabin Radar, 77 GHz from external vehicle Radar (We are all being exposed via new fancy tech such as self-braking, self-parking active sensors etc), and 5.9 GHz from Vehicle Infrastructure (V2X) mix biologically? I doubt anyone knows.
 +Texas Instruments and NXP also are working in these areas.
 +Microwave News covers this general field of how signals affect us, and has been doing it for decades.
 ---- ----
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 {{:emf:21915-100.pdf |Complete 5G Standard Release 15 March 2019}} {{:emf:21915-100.pdf |Complete 5G Standard Release 15 March 2019}}
 {{http://www.3gpp.org|5G Standard Site}} {{http://www.3gpp.org|5G Standard Site}}
 +====== Beamforming ======
 +As mmWaves do not travel great distances a technique known as 'Beamforming' is used to enhance the signal by targeting your cell phone with the antenna energy.
 +"Massive MIMO and Beamforming: The Signal Processing Behind the 5G Buzzwords"
 +by Claire Masterson.
 +"... Beamforming is a word that means different things to different people. Beamforming is the ability to adapt the radiation pattern of the antenna array to a particular scenario. In the cellular communications space, many people think of beamforming as steering a lobe of power in a particular direction toward a user, as shown in the figure ..."
 +"Phased Array Beamforming ICs Simplify Antenna Design"
 +by Keith Benson.
 +"... A phased array antenna is a collection of antenna elements assembled together such that the radiation pattern of each individual element constructively combines with neighboring antennas to form an effective radiation pattern called the main lobe. The main lobe transmits radiated energy in the desired location while the antenna is designed to destructively interfere with signals in undesired directions, forming nulls and side lobes. The antenna array is designed to maximize the energy radiated in the main lobe while reducing the energy radiated in the side lobes to an acceptable level. The direction of radiation can be manipulated by changing the phase of the signal fed into each antenna element. ..."
 +"Bits to Beams: RF Technology Evolution for 5G Millimeter Wave Radios"
 +by Thomas Cameron.
 +"An Interview with Analog Devices Discussing RF Electronics for Phased Array Applications"
 +by Peter Delos.
 ---- ----
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 https://arxiv.org/abs/0910.5294 https://arxiv.org/abs/0910.5294
 +"DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field" by B. S. Alexandrov, V. Gelev, A. R. Bishop, A. Usheva, K. O. Rasmussen (Submitted on 28 Oct 2009)
 +Abstract: We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA. We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism. Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.
 ---- ----
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 //{{http://www.stetzerelectric.com/wp-content/uploads/Kavet-Contact-Current-2000.pdf|The Possible Role of Contact Current in Cancer Risk Associated With Residential Magnetic Fields}}// //{{http://www.stetzerelectric.com/wp-content/uploads/Kavet-Contact-Current-2000.pdf|The Possible Role of Contact Current in Cancer Risk Associated With Residential Magnetic Fields}}//
 +{{https://www.electronicdesign.com/power/5g-four-times-more-power-dense-or-even-more|5G at least four Time More Power Dense}}
 ---- ----
-====== Radiation effects topics for space, industrial and terrestrial applications ======+====== 6G ======
-//{{ :emf:radiation_handbook_for_electronics_sgzy002.pdf |Texas Interments compendium of radiation effects topics for space+"What Will 6G Be?" 
-industrial and terrestrial applications}}//, explains Solar and Terrestrial Radiation and effects on technology.+IEEE CTN 
 +Written ByAlan Gatherer, Editor-in-Chief 
 +Published29 Jun 2018 
 +"Initial 6G work is underway" 
 +BY Martin Rowe 
 +JULY 82019 
 +"Wireless Communications and Applications Above 100 GHz: Opportunities and Challenges for 6G and Beyond" 
 +by Theodore SRappaport, Yunchou Xing, Ojas Kanhere, Shihao Ju, Arjuna Madanayake, Soumyajit Mandal, Ahmed Alkhateeb, Georgios C. Trichopoulos 
 +(IEEE Invited Paper) 
 ---- ----
 +====== DIY Faraday Cage ======
 +The message below if from Clive Robinson, who once was a Real World
 +'Q' of 007 fame.  Well respected in the area of Security; Yet he can't
 +spell his way out of a paper bag, we've all gotten use to it..  This
 +is his recipe for a DIY Faraday Cage:
 +Clive Robinson January 21, 2014 8:14 PM
 +@ Carl 'SAI' Mitchell,
 +"... I'd purchase aluminium foil and line a closet/small room width
 +it being sure to ground the foil. Obviously make all purchases with
 +cash and at various stores, etc. Jamming might also be possible, but
 +more easily detectable by the listening party"
 +A single or double layer of aluminium foil is not going to be very
 +reliable for various reasons.
 +If you are going to do this at home then you need to do it "flat pack"
 +You need to make up some light weight wooden frames just like those
 +artists do to stretch canvas for oil painting. However instead of
 +stretching canvas you stretch chicken wire such that it goes around
 +the frame. You take two of these and screw them together such that you
 +have both wooden frames inside an outer skin of chicken wire. It's
 +best to put thermal insulation of the fiber type in between as this
 +helps deaden sound. Don't rely on the compression contact between the
 +two sides of chicken wire lace the together with copper wire and
 +solder it to the chicken wire (it's usually galvanized so will take
 +solder if you clean it, flux it and use a hot enough iron). You can
 +make these flat pack frames up to 8x4 using standard DIY timber packs.
 +Eight of them (1 floor, 1 ceiling, 2 end walls 4 for side walls) will
 +make a small box/room you can build in a shelf for a computer and an
 +office chair to sit on. However you need to make the floor frame much
 +stronger (unless you've over done the fasting diet craze ;-)
 +Obviously one of the frames needs to have a door built in and this is
 +a little more complicated. Make a smaller frame of about 6x3 this is
 +the door, the frame holding it is made such that the Inner frame has a
 +smaller hole than the door to make a half to one inch jamb all around
 +the outer frame has a hole just large enough to take the door. You
 +then need to make a conductive door seal. The easiest way to do this
 +is with 75ohm TV coax, if you strip the outer plastic insulation you
 +have a soft foam plastic core with a woven braid outside it. Staple
 +this two the door and jamb such that you have two concentric circles
 +one on the jamb one on the door such that they don't touch each other.
 +You will need to come up with a door handle and bolt system such that
 +the braid makes good contact with the chicken-wire covering the door
 +and covering the jamb.
 +Having bolted it together you then line the inside with aluminium foil
 +such that you have four layers. You put in the first layer horizontal
 +with the edges overlapping by an inch or so the second layer vertically,
 +the third horizontally the fourth vertically. Hold each layer in place
 +with small lengths of sticky tape. Using copper staples hang a layer
 +of thick hessian (sack) cloth over this then with copper plated marine
 +screws carefully put a layer of thin protective ply wood over this.
 +There is a minor problem you next need to solve and that's ventilation
 +the easiest way to do this is when making the end wall frame that goes
 +over the computer desk make an internal frame the size of a small
 +bathroom/kitchen surface mount extractor fan unit, don't put the fiber
 +insulation in here but do ensure the chicken wire covers both sides
 +of the frame. Mount the extractor on the outside after carefully
 +making holes in the aluminium foil. Make a similar arrangement in the
 +bottom of the door only don't add an extractor, put one of those
 +aluminium ventilation louvers with the sliding plate on either side,
 +make sure one has the louver slots vertically the other horizontally.
 +Your next problem is getting power into the unit. To do this you need
 +two dicast aluminium boxes with screw on lids and two IEC (kettle
 +plug) EMI/EMC chassis mount filter connectors. Drill holes and mount
 +the IEC connectors one in each box, screw one box on the inside and
 +one on the outside with the holes to take the cable aligned wire the
 +two IEC's together. Connect a power strip board to a kettle lead and
 +plug it into the inside IEC connector, then for obvious safety reasons
 +screw a wooden block in behind it to stop it being pulled out and
 +allowing fingers to touch the pins in the IEC connector. On the outside
 +you need one of those "garden lawn mower" earth leakage / residual
 +current trip devices in the wall socket and a suitable length kettle
 +lead to plug into the IEC connector on the external box. Remember it's
 +only good for about 5 Amps.
 +You then need to get an EMC test receiver or appropriate spectrum
 +analyzer to do inside spectrum to outside spectrum comparison to see
 +how good a job you have done.
 +If you know what you are doing you can fit a "tracking generator feed
 +through bypass" basically it's a length of 50ohm coax mounted between
 +two glanded chassis mount N-type connectors one on the inside the
 +other on the outside. It enables you to have a broadband amp and
 +antenna on the inside of your box and the spectrum analyzer on the
 +outside with it's tracking generator output fed through the bypass to
 +the amp and antenna. When not in use you screw plugs onto the
 +connectors with hard shorts in them to prevent leakage.
 +A less dangerous way to do it is to make up a temporary lead you have
 +fed through either the door louvers or extractor unit.
 +If you can't see any leaks from the outside put the spectrum
 +analyzer inside and the amp and antenna outside and run the tests
 +again, remember to move the antenna from place to place outside. It
 +can be a quite time consuming effort and in some cases take longer
 +than it did to build the box...
 +Usually if you are certifying a commercial RF cage, you are looking at
 +allowing four working days for a couple of engineers/technicians.
 +With appropriate antennas you can check how well your box screens. It
 +should be good for 60db or more of attenuation depending on how well
 +you fit the door and gaskets. With care you can get it to the point
 +where average test equipment is not sufficient to give readings above
 +it's noise floor.
 +The real question is do you value your privacy to the point of a
 +capital outlay of around 1000USD and a week or two of time?
 +The most drastic I've had to do is with TEMPEST kit where the debug
 +port was a striped bare fiber optic cable through a pin hole in the
 +screened case, screened with RG174 coax with the inner pulled
 +out. Expensive and a right royal pain in the "sit upon".
 +Oh one thing to remember when dealing with RF follow the "single
 +earth" policy. Otherwise you will get "RF loops" which are the EM
 +equivalent of "audio howl around". RF thus gets in everywhere and
 +causes all sorts of nastiest in the EM spectrum as well as general
 +instability, messy messy messy...
 +====== Stuff In Space ====== 
 +Stuff in Space is a realtime 3D map of objects in Earth orbit, visualized using WebGL.
 +The website updates daily with orbit data from Space-Track.org and uses  satellite.js Javascript library to calculate satellite positions.
 ====== Cell Phones - Convenience Or 21st Century Plague? ====== ====== Cell Phones - Convenience Or 21st Century Plague? ======
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 +DNA Sequence Reconstituted from Water Memory
 +"Frontiers in Antennas" by Frank Gross.
 +Frontiers in Antennas covers:
 +  * Ultra-wideband antenna arrays using fractal, polyfractal, and
 +aperiodic geometries
 +  * Smart antennas using evolutionary signal processing methods
 +  * The latest developments in Vivaldi antenna arrays
 +  * Effective media models applied to artificial magnetic conductors and
 +high impedance surfaces
 +  * Novel developments in metamaterial antennas
 +  * Biological antenna design methods using genetic algorithms
 +  * Contact and parasitic methods applied to reconfigurable antennas
 +  * Antennas in medicine: ingestible capsule antennas using conformal
 +meandered methods
 +  * Leaky-wave antennas
 +  * Plasma antennas which can electronically appear and disappear
 +  * Numerical methods in antenna modeling using time, frequency, and
 +conformal domain decomposition methods
 +More on Plasma Antennas in "Plasma Antennas" by
 +Theodore Anderson.
 +Linked therein is how to inactivate C19 at 222 nm.
 +Ted's web site is:
  • emf.1559350677.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/06/01 00:57
  • by bpaddock