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emf [2022/01/08 12:07] – [Cell Phones - Convenience Or 21st Century Plague?] bpaddockemf [2023/01/18 00:28] (current) – Added MuRata In-Cabin Radar for Child Protection bpaddock
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 [[https://training.ti.com/search-catalog?keywords=people+couting+mmwave|{{:emf:77ghzpeoplecounter.jpeg?400}}]] [[https://training.ti.com/search-catalog?keywords=people+couting+mmwave|{{:emf:77ghzpeoplecounter.jpeg?400}}]]
 {{:emf:mmwaveshopping.jpg?400|}} {{:emf:mmwaveshopping.jpg?400|}}
 +The electronic company MuRata released information today [Jan/17/2023] on "In-Cabin Radar for Child Protection".
 +The goal is to detect that infants and young sleeping children do not accidentally get left in a hot or cold vehicle, where they are likely to rapidly expire.  No one is going to argue that detecting this condition is not a good thing.
 +The methodology of detection is what is open for debate.
 +Today's press release goes into details of how future vehicles will expose those inside the vehicles (You and yours) to 60 GHz microwaves (for reference Microwaves that cook your food, at a significantly higher power, are around 2.6 GHz.  Bluetooth is also in that area).
 +The ASSUMPTION is that this 60 GHz signal will cause no short or long term health issues.
 +Detection of children left in vehicles is being mandated or is about to be, by various politicians in Europe and the US.  MuRata's eBook points you to where to find more information.
 +What happens when a complex modulation of 5G at 28.375 GHz, 60 GHz from In-Cabin Radar, 77 GHz from external vehicle Radar (We are all being exposed via new fancy tech such as self-braking, self-parking active sensors etc), and 5.9 GHz from Vehicle Infrastructure (V2X) mix biologically? I doubt anyone knows.
 +Texas Instruments and NXP also are working in these areas.
 +Microwave News covers this general field of how signals affect us, and has been doing it for decades.
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  • emf.1641643631.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/08 12:07
  • by bpaddock