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mind:futureisthen [2018/10/12 00:38] – Added Caltech Time-Traveling Illusion Tricks the Brain bpaddockmind:futureisthen [2019/04/12 00:32] (current) bpaddock
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 <blockquote>Abstract : Experimental evidence of zero-point energy of vacuum has been established beyond question. Soviet direct measurement of this energy has been reported. Prigogine's Nobel Prize work confirms that in theory a highly disordered, chaotic, virtual state, zero-point energy can be cohered to crosstalk into observable quantum change and even macroscopic energy production. Several simple devices can be demonstrated to observably tap zero-point energy. Extension of the theory onto even a simplified hyperspace model indicates direct applications in certain specialized amplifiers. Consideration of multiple simultaneous observation (Everett's interpretation of quantum mechanics) ties together virtual and observable states into the same time change, allowing superposition of virtual state into observable state. By considering virtual state patterns to be carried by the individual photon, then superposition effects can be obtained upon a target radiated by a radar beam if each and every photon of the radar beam contains one virtual state pattern in common, added into its other (incoherent) virtual state patterns. Sufficient superposition of the coherent pattern in the target produces real observable changes which may have significant applications. Such applications include electron current dissolution (dudding of electromagnetic circuits), cancellation of electromagnetic fields, de-activation (dudding) of nuclear warheads by transmutation of fissionable materials, and simple production of particle beams of enormous power density. Electron current dissolution is also effective against the nervous systems of biological targets.</blockquote> <blockquote>Abstract : Experimental evidence of zero-point energy of vacuum has been established beyond question. Soviet direct measurement of this energy has been reported. Prigogine's Nobel Prize work confirms that in theory a highly disordered, chaotic, virtual state, zero-point energy can be cohered to crosstalk into observable quantum change and even macroscopic energy production. Several simple devices can be demonstrated to observably tap zero-point energy. Extension of the theory onto even a simplified hyperspace model indicates direct applications in certain specialized amplifiers. Consideration of multiple simultaneous observation (Everett's interpretation of quantum mechanics) ties together virtual and observable states into the same time change, allowing superposition of virtual state into observable state. By considering virtual state patterns to be carried by the individual photon, then superposition effects can be obtained upon a target radiated by a radar beam if each and every photon of the radar beam contains one virtual state pattern in common, added into its other (incoherent) virtual state patterns. Sufficient superposition of the coherent pattern in the target produces real observable changes which may have significant applications. Such applications include electron current dissolution (dudding of electromagnetic circuits), cancellation of electromagnetic fields, de-activation (dudding) of nuclear warheads by transmutation of fissionable materials, and simple production of particle beams of enormous power density. Electron current dissolution is also effective against the nervous systems of biological targets.</blockquote>
-18: [[http://www.caltech.edu/news/time-traveling-illusion-tricks-brain-84009|http://www.caltech.edu/news/time-traveling-illusion-tricks-brain-84009|Time-Traveling Illusion Tricks the Brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation +18: [[http://www.caltech.edu/news/time-traveling-illusion-tricks-brain-84009|Time-Traveling Illusion Tricks the Brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation]]
-[[https://authors.library.caltech.edu/90151/|What you saw is what you will hear: Two new illusions with audiovisual postdictive effects]]"+[[https://authors.library.caltech.edu/90151/|What you saw is what you will hear: Two new illusions with audiovisual postdictive effects]] 
 +See the Presentiment model, "Feeling the Future",  of Daryl Bem and Dean Radin,  that shows how the future is involved in shaping the past (present). 
 +See also Decision Augmentation Theory, where every decisions we make is based on information we are getting from the future: 
 +[[https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-our-universe-could-emerge-as-a-hologram-20190221|How Our Universe Could Emerge as a Hologram From Quanta Magazine]] 
 +[[https://www.quantamagazine.org/frauchiger-renner-paradox-clarifies-where-our-views-of-reality-go-wrong-20181203|Frauchiger-Renner Paradox Clarifies Where Our Views of Reality Go Wrong From Quanta Magazine]]
  • mind/futureisthen.1539304692.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/10/12 00:38
  • by bpaddock