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mind:futureisthen [2018/10/12 00:39] bpaddockmind:futureisthen [2019/04/12 00:32] (current) bpaddock
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 18: [[http://www.caltech.edu/news/time-traveling-illusion-tricks-brain-84009|Time-Traveling Illusion Tricks the Brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation]] 18: [[http://www.caltech.edu/news/time-traveling-illusion-tricks-brain-84009|Time-Traveling Illusion Tricks the Brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation]]
-[[https://authors.library.caltech.edu/90151/|What you saw is what you will hear: Two new illusions with audiovisual postdictive effects]]"+[[https://authors.library.caltech.edu/90151/|What you saw is what you will hear: Two new illusions with audiovisual postdictive effects]] 
 +See the Presentiment model, "Feeling the Future",  of Daryl Bem and Dean Radin,  that shows how the future is involved in shaping the past (present). 
 +See also Decision Augmentation Theory, where every decisions we make is based on information we are getting from the future: 
 +[[https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-our-universe-could-emerge-as-a-hologram-20190221|How Our Universe Could Emerge as a Hologram From Quanta Magazine]] 
 +[[https://www.quantamagazine.org/frauchiger-renner-paradox-clarifies-where-our-views-of-reality-go-wrong-20181203|Frauchiger-Renner Paradox Clarifies Where Our Views of Reality Go Wrong From Quanta Magazine]]
  • mind/futureisthen.1539304741.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/10/12 00:39
  • by bpaddock