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Vaccinating is a complex subject. Both sides have positive aspects. All that I ask is that you be fully informed of both sides before you make your choice. Everyone called an “anti-vaxxer” says make your own decisions after becoming fully educated on the issue. Those that are pro-vaxx say “our way or your go to jail” or “we will take a way your children”. Which world do you want to live in?

There has not been enough time for long term studies to show what effects this will have on the children as they age, nor the effects on their offspring. There is growing anticidinal evidence that vaccinations do result in chronic conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis at a very young age.

You won't believe my count of 74 vaccines from birth to age 18, so count for yourself in these CDC documents::

Ian Humphries wrote on Facebook:

A child perfectly healthy with no issues eats nuts, swells up, can't breathe….everyone says the child must have had a reaction to the nuts. Testing shows they have a nut allergy. Everyone agrees it's the nuts and to not give the child any more nuts.

A perfectly healthy child with no issues uses a new cream, skin breaks out, its red and hurts….everyone says the child must be allergic to the cream. Parents decide to not use that cream again.

A perfectly healthy child with no issues drinks milk, they develops hives and start vomiting…..everyone says it must be the milk. Testing shows the child is allergic to dairy. Everyone agrees the child cannot tolerate milk and for the child's sake, will avoid dairy in their diet.

A perfectly healthy child with no issues receives their vaccines, they run a high fever, seize and subsequently lose eye contact, language, no longer wants to be touched, their stools are liquid and burn the skin…..everyone says it can't possibly be the vaccines. Testing shows the child is heavy metal toxic, has severe gut dysfunction and is subsequently diagnosed with autism. Everyone still says it's not the vaccines. Parent is expected to continue vaccinating.

Welcome to today's logic. This is conformity at its finest..

Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

A comprehensive survey of nearly 12,000 children in the USA and Europe was conducted in 2010. The research revealed the truth about the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated kids. The conclusion? Vaccinated children are more chronically ill than unvaccinated children with rates for autism, ear infections, ADHD, asthma and allergies as much as 30% higher than unvaxed children.

Another large comparative study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children published in May 2017 unearthed similar findings.

Take an informal poll of the folks in your circle and see for yourself. Observation is a powerful tool, so put it to use. The kids with the most health and behavior problems – allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, coordination and other gross motor issues, and the list goes on – are the ones that are right on track with their vaccination schedule.

It’s not just physical illness that plagues vaccinated children either. Research out of Yale and Penn State demonstrated a strong association between vaccination and mental illness in children. 95,000 children were analyzed by the Department of Public Health Science at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and Yale University. A strong association between children receiving vaccinations and then immediate development of brain-related autoimmune and inflammatory disorders: ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, anorexia, and chronic tic disorder was found.

For compelling anecdotal evidence, ask Moms with several children, some of whom are vaccinated and some who are not, which of their children are the healthiest. In my own circle, the Moms I know who have one or two older kids who are fully vaccinated and the younger kids who did not get any shots tell me that, hands down, that the unvaccinated children are healthier and have less problems (usually none).

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children

Survey results illnesses

Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks Are Transmitted By The Vaccinated

Deaths: In the 2 US studies, death was reported in 6 participants (0.2%) who received VAXELIS and in 1 participant (0.1%) who received Pentacel + RECOMBIVAX HB vaccines; none were assessed as vaccine-related. Causes of death among infants who received VAXELIS were asphyxia, hydrocephalus, unknown cause, sepsis and 2 cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (occurring 1, 2, 10, 42, 44 and 49 days post-vaccination, respectively). Across all 6 clinical studies, there were no deaths assessed as related to VAXELIS.

  • vaxx.1551920840.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/03/07 01:07
  • by bpaddock