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Gateway Process with the missing page 25
Here is the official CIA archive version of Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process that everyone keeps sharing on line. Few seem to notice that page 25 is missing from this document:
This version is the original complete document with the missing page 25 included and without the CIA branding covering up the page numbers: 1983_analysis_and_assessment_of_gateway_process_with_page_25.pdf
This document had its roots in the Military's Remote Viewing (RV) program. The Monroe Institute Gateway Voyage, that you can still take yourself today, was being studied as part of the RV “Cool Down Process”. Joe McMoneagle is the best Remote Viewer in the world that has ever been, was part of this and married Robert Monroe's step-daughter Scooter, from meeting at that time.
Most of the CIA Remote Viewing documents are under “Stargate” (The proper project name is 'Star[space]Gate'), doing a search for project code names such as “Centerlane”, “Grillflame” and “Sun Streak”, also return hits here at the CIA Reading Room.
Fluoroquinolones are a potent form of chemotherapy
Katrina L Schmid PhD BAppSc (Optom) (Hons) GradCertEd (Higher Ed) GradCertOcThera SFHEA
Version of Record online:02 June 2020
Pain Warriors Documentary Released
Karen's saga is now part of the documentary Pain Warriors Documentary. Watch it on:
- iTunes
- Google Play Store
- Amazon Prime
- Blu-ray
- Watch Pain Warriors from anywhere in the world, via Vimeo On Demand
Note that the cost may vary with your location and which of the above sources you choose. The distributor Gravitas Ventures sets the price, we have no control over it.
Legal Death - In Drugs We Trust Show Sizzle Reel
A victim of the Big Pharma Medical Establishment is creating a feature length movie about how legal pharmaceuticals kill and maim people.
Extended Electrodynamics
It is part of Extended Electrodynamics in a Plasma Universe (See The Thunderbolts Project for the PU stuff https://www.thunderbolts.info ).
See among many others:
L.M. Hively & G.C Giakos, “Toward a more complete electromagnetic theory”, Int. J. Signals & Imaging Syst. Engr., 5, 3-10(2012).
L.M.Hively, “Methods and Apparatus for Generating and/or Utilizing Scalar-Longitudinal Waves”, US Patent #9,306,527, (Apr. 6,2106).
L.M.Hively & O.Keller, “Electrodynamics in curved space-time: Free space longitudinal wave propagation”, Phys. Essays, 32 (3), Sept 2019.
List of patents by Raymond C. Gelinas assigned to Honeywell: (A Vector Potential is a scalar field.)
4,429,280, 31 Jan 1984, Apparatus and Method for Demodulation of a Modulated Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential.
4,429,288, 31 Jan 1984, Apparatus and Method for Modulation of a Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential Field.
4,432,098, 14 Feb 1984, Apparatus and Method for Transfer of Information by Means of a Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential Field.
4,447,779, 8 May 1984, Apparatus and Method for Determination of a Receiving Device Utilizing a Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential Field.
4,605,897, 12 Aug 1986, Apparatus and Method for Distance Determination Between a Receiving Device and a Transmitting Device Utilizing a Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential Field.
4,491,795, 1 Jan 1985, Josephson Junction Interferometer Device for Detection of Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential Fields.
Also, you can find a good article in Scientific American of April 1989, pp. 56-62, “Quantum Interference and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect” by Yoseph Imry & Richard Webb.
Y. Aharnov & D. Bohm, “Further discussion of the role of electromagnetic potentials in the quantum theory”, Phys. Rev., 130, 1625-1632 (1963).
Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm, “Significance of Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum Theory” Phys. Rev. 115, 485 – Published 1 August 1959 https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.115.485
Quantum Physics might have a fundamental problem with energy/time. https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05273
Tesla Wireless Power via Zenneck waves.
For wireless power follow the current works of the Corum Brothers.
Building tower in Milford TX Tesla.
Search for 'Texzon Zenneck' for more info.
Zenneck Surface Waves are accepted by conventional physics, see:
Neckties cut off blood flow to the brain
I have always felt that I was being suffocated when I was forced to wear a tie. Now there is supporting science. I will not be working for you if you require me to wear a tie…
Study: Your necktie could be reducing blood flow to your brain
Should you stop wearing neckties?—wearing a tight necktie reduces cerebral blood flow; Neuroradiology August 2018, Volume 60, Issue 8, pp 861–864.
Starlink to beam down more EMF pollution
12,000 of these satellites will be beaming down on us once the Starlink system is in full operation.
What happens when a complex modulation of Starlink, 5G at 28.375 GHz et.al. , 77 GHz from vehicle RADAR, and 5.9 GHz from Vehicle Infrastructure (V2X) mix biologically? I doubt anyone knows. Is anyone other than me even asking that question? That there are only thermal effects has long sense been disproved.
I see many people trying to cash in by selling EMF protection widgets and shielding courses for 5G. Yet they mention nothing about any of these other sources of electromagnetic pollution.
A decent spectrum analyzer to actually study this stuff correctly starts at a base price of $170,000. Fully loaded price of $1,300,000. Cheap handheld meters don't get it done once you start to consider all the heterodyning harmonics etc. Most of the videos I see on Internet with handheld meters are claiming to show things that the meter is incapable of measuring.
Keysight's (Formerly Agilent, Formerly HP) new UXR1104A Infiniium UXR-Series Oscilloscope. The most capable model has a 110 GHz bandwidth and samples at up to 256 GSa/s - on each of four channels.
54 Minute long video of what is in it:
When Pain is Relentless
New York Times Bestseller List author Andrea J. Buchanan interviewed me for the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation.
Brings tears to my eyes.