This is an old revision of the document!

Gateway Process with the missing page 25

Here is the official CIA archive version of Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process:

This version is the original complete document with the missing page 25 included and without the CIA branding covering up the page numbers: 1983_analysis_and_assessment_of_gateway_process_with_page_25.pdf

This document had its roots in the Military's Remote Viewing program. The Monroe Institute Gateway Voage, that you can still take yourself today, was being studied as part of the RV “Cool Down Process”. Joe McMoneagle is the best Remote Viewer in the world that has ever been, was part of this and married Robert Monroe's step-daughter Scooter.

Most of the Remote Viewing documents are under “Stargate” (The proper project name is 'Star[space]Gate'), doing a search for project code names such as “Centerlane”, “Grillflame” and “Sun Streak”, also return hits.

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  • Last modified: 2023/03/08 21:13
  • by bpaddock