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Remote Viewing
Most of what you see on Internet about the Star Gate Program is crap. - Ed May
My page here is based on actual interaction with many of the people involved…
I continue my training in Controlled Remote Viewing with Michael Rinaldi. This is the Core curriculum of Controlled Remote Viewing as developed within the US military’s remote viewing program, enhanced by unit member Lyn Buchanan, of Problems>Solutions>Innovations, Inc.
By anyone's measure Joe McMoneagle is the best Remote Viewer in the world that has ever been. I was fortunate enough to spend a bit over a week with him in May, July and August of 2016, shortly after his major back surgery in July (which in itself is a testament to Joe's amazing abilities) .
Hearing a few of his fascinating stories from his life time as a Remote Viewer and Spy for the US Army, as well has being trained in the techniques of Remote Viewing was amazing. Joe autographed our training certificates. Just listening to the stories from his life would have made the time worth it. I also got to spend a bit of time with Joe's wife Scooter, who had fascinating stories of her own, alas we were interrupted before getting into them.
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Here are his many books by him and those about him. As well as some on the 30+ years of science that has gone into how this all works by Ed May. A eight volume set on the science is due out soon.
Click on the images to expand them, then click on them a second time to make it larger yet.
Remote Viewing while Lucid Dreaming
Joe has one single thing to say about doing Remote Viewing while Lucid Dreaming: Don't do it.
He said the Remote Viewing worked fine while in a Lucid Dreaming. The problem was false awakenings. That is he thought he woke up from the dream only to realize after a time that he was still dreaming. This went on for uncountable levels of false awakenings. When he finally reached what we consider our objective 'Reality' when he really woke up, it took him three days to recover.
Remote Viewing for Health Issues
I asked Joe if Remote Viewing could be used for health issues. He said “Sure. However I quickly stopped doing it for people as they did not want to hear that their health problems where caused by their own emotions.” Which sounds like “The Emotion Code, by renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions”; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.”
My Gestalt was arrow to right side of head of a person that I was give to Remote View. She had asked for help form the Monroe Institute® (TMI) Dolphin Energy Club (DEC) :
An Example by Joe
The pencil drawing by Joe is what he Remote Viewed along with the rest of us. The object shown to us at the completion of the exercise was the Cow Bell.
My Experiences during Remote Viewer training
All targets are double blind. I drew them before they were given to us, by a person whom did not know the contents of the sealed envelopes.
What I saw in my minds eye:
What I drew. I need to take an art class.
What the target really was:
My Gestalt was the paw which is not actually in the image.
For the cement brush I just got something 'hard and grey'. I thought it was miss Joe said it was not a miss.
For the other two I got nothing of use.
There were MANY other targets not shown here. I got nothing. Joe says that even after 30+ years doing this, he gets nothing 10% of the time. He says when that happens you move on and don't give it an other thought, because no one today has any idea how this stuff actually works. That I got anything, such as what I show here is amazing enough to me and I hope it is to you as well?
Learning to Draw Right
This book is recommended, which I'm working my way through now.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive, 4th Edition– by Betty Edwards. Make sure you get the 4th edition or later.